Visitors FAQ
For Visitors
In group registration available (6 or more people)?
The pre-registration form can be found in ‘For Visitors – Registration’ on the PIS website. Please download and complete the form first to register.
It is Free of charge.
In the case of pre-registration through online, you can save time to fill out a registration form at the on-site registration booth. -
How can I apply for a 1:1 biz-matching session?
Application forms will be available on ‘Biz-matching – 1:1 Biz-matching application’ on the PIS website. After applications are submitted, the organizer will approve it after checking. After getting approval, all details about each partner can be shown if the exhibitor and buyer select each other and are matched. Biz-matching schedules will be appointed automatically 2~3 days before the exhibition starts.
How does buyer invitation work?
If an exhibitor has a target buyer, please submit all details about them such as brand awareness, turnover rates, number of distribution markets. The organizer will proceed with the selection and invitation process of buyers who have buying-power according to the internal standards of invitation.
Parking passes will not be provided to visitors.