: 89 : 관리자 : Mon, 15 July 2024, 8:44 PM |
[PIS 2024] Exhibition Contractor Manual for Standard (package) booth |
Dear Exhibitors, We are pleased to provide you with the contractor manual for Preview In Seoul 2024. The exhibition offers various booth types depending on the location within the floor-plan. 1. Examine the floorplan to confirm the location and type of your booth. 2. Refer to the "Booth type guidance" to identify the type of your assigned booth. 3. Complete and submit the "Equipment Order Application" in Excel format. ※ Designated contractor for standard booths: Expoview Co., Ltd - Overall Supervisor: Mr. Beom Youngkeun (+82-10-2291-9644) - Main Supervisor for Hall A: Mr. Park Jungmin (+82-10-3492-5649) - Assistant Supervisor for Hall A: Mr. Kim Myungki (+82-10-7233-9354) - Main Supervisor for Hall B: Ms. Lee Sungye (+82-10-9296-8298) - Assistant Supervisor for Hall B: Mr. Lee Yongjin (+82-10-9582-8289) Best Regards, Preview In Seoul 2024 organizer |
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